Strathtay Golf Club

Par/SSS: 62/61
Yards: 3774
Type: Parkland
Holes: 9
Weekday Round N/A
Day Ticket: £
Weekend Round N/A
Day Ticket: £

Hole White Yards Par Yellow Yards Stroke Index Ladies Yards Par Stroke Index
1 277 4 - - 225 4 -
2 210 3 - - 186 3 -
3 169 3 - - 165 3 -
4 153 3 - - 139 3 -
5 218 4 - - 203 4 -
6 345 4 - - 294 4 -
7 121 3 - - 99 3 -
8 283 4 - - 253 4 -
9 111 3 - - 108 3 -
1887 31 1672 31
10 277 4 - - 225 4 -
11 210 3 - - 186 3 -
12 169 3 - - 165 3 -
13 153 3 - - 139 3 -
14 218 4 - - 203 4 -
15 345 4 - - 294 4 -
16 121 3 - - 99 3 -
17 283 4 - - 253 4 -
18 111 3 - - 108 3 -
1887 31 1672 31
3774 62 3344 62

Strathtay was established in 1909 and is a wooded parkland course. It is a nine-hole course with a mix of flat holes and some reasonably hilly ones, providing a varied challenge to your round. The second features a relatively new elevated green in a right to left dogleg position. The next hole is immediately behind an island of tall oak trees and demands either a direct route over their tops or, again, a right to left dogleg to avoid them. The views from the sixth and eighth tees are worth the green fee alone.


Upper Derculich, Strathtay, Pitlochry PH9 0LR

How to Get there

Leave A9, five miles south of Pitlochry. Take A827 (Aberfeldy). After four miles, look for sign to Strathtay golf club small road off to the right.


Tel: 01887840373
Fax: N/A

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££

Trolley HireClubhouseChanging Rooms


Upper Derculich, Strathtay, Pitlochry PH9 0LR

How to Get there

Leave A9, five miles south of Pitlochry. Take A827 (Aberfeldy). After four miles, look for sign to Strathtay golf club small road off to the right.


Tel: 01887840373
Fax: N/A

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££