Traad Ponds Golf Club

Par/SSS: 70/68
Yards: 5489
Type: Parkland
Holes: 9
Round: £
Day Ticket: N/A
Round: N/A
Day Ticket: N/A

Hole White Yards Par Yellow Yards Stroke Index Ladies Yards Par Stroke Index
1 316 4 - - 276 4 -
2 152 3 - - 139 3 -
3 309 4 - - 198 4 -
4 142 3 - - 88 3 -
5 348 4 - - 325 4 -
6 162 3 - - 135 3 -
7 350 4 - - 280 4 -
8 365 4 - - 250 4 -
9 324 4 - - 240 4 -
2468 33 1931 33
10 316 4 - - 276 4 -
11 152 3 - - 139 3 -
12 309 4 - - 198 4 -
13 142 3 - - 88 3 -
14 325 4 - - 325 4 -
15 162 3 - - 135 3 -
16 350 4 - - 280 4 -
17 365 4 - - 250 4 -
18 324 4 - - 240 4 -
2445 33 1931 33
4913 66 3862 66

Traad Ponds Golf Club is situated on the edge of Lough Neagh, the biggest inland stretch of water in the British Isles, and is surrounded by a conservation area, with wildlife seemingly everywhere. Despite its relatively short length it is a particularly demanding parkland test of skills and patience as there are numerous water hazards to account for, most of which run into Lough Neagh. Although it is strictly parkland in nature, this nine-hole tract has the distinct feel of a links course, with the soil allowing for superb drainage and excellent year round play.


122a Shore Road, Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry BT45 6LR

How to Get there

2 miles from Aughnachloy and sign-posted.


Tel: 0 28 7941 8865
Fax: N/A

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££

BarTrolley HireCateringClubhouseChanging RoomsPractice FacilitiesPutting GreenBuggy Hire


122a Shore Road, Magherafelt, Co. Londonderry BT45 6LR

How to Get there

2 miles from Aughnachloy and sign-posted.


Tel: 0 28 7941 8865
Fax: N/A

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££