Redhill Golf Centre Golf Club

Par/SSS: 31/0
Yards: 1632
Type: Parkland
Holes: 9
Weekday Round: £
Day Ticket: N/A
Weekend Round: £
Day Ticket: N/A

Hole White Yards Par Yellow Yards Stroke Index Ladies Yards Par Stroke Index
1 216 3 - - 216 3 -
97 3 97 3
2 188 3 - - 188 3 -
3 249 4 - - 249 4 -
4 167 3 - - 167 3 -
5 133 3 - - 133 3 -
6 198 3 - - 198 3 -
7 125 3 - - 125 3 -
8 259 4 - - 259 4 -
1632 29 1632 29
9 216 3 - - 216 3 -
97 3 97 3
10 188 3 - - 188 3 -
11 249 4 - - 249 4 -
12 167 3 - - 167 3 -
13 133 3 - - 133 3 -
14 198 3 - - 198 3 -
15 125 3 - - 125 3 -
16 259 4 - - 259 4 -
1632 29 1632 29
3264 58 3264 58

Redhill Golf Centre Golf Club was established many years ago and is a truly marvellous place for anyone who loves the sport. Its smashing course is certainly one of the finest in the Surrey region. A real gem of an eighteen hole course, it will challenge even the most experienced and confident of golfers amongst you, so be sure to be prepared for it when you tee off. There are plenty of hazards all around that will perhaps instil a little fear in you, but if you take them on the rewards are there to be had. As you hole out on eighteenth green, you may feel in need of a light refreshment so why not head for the cracking clubhouse?


Canada Avenue, East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1BF

How to Get there


Tel: 01737770204
Fax: N/A

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££

Trolley HireClub HireDriving RangePractice FacilitiesPro-ShopPutting Green


Canada Avenue, East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1BF

How to Get there


Tel: 01737770204
Fax: N/A

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££