Betchworth Park Golf Club

Par/SSS: 69/0
Yards: 6266
Type: Parkland
Holes: 18
Weekday Round: £££
Day Ticket: N/A
Weekend Round: £££
Day Ticket: N/A

Hole White Yards Par Yellow Yards Stroke Index Ladies Yards Par Stroke Index
1 407 4 - - 359 4 -
2 151 3 - - 138 3 -
3 383 4 - - 334 4 -
4 412 4 - - 364 4 -
5 371 4 - - 345 4 -
6 383 4 - - 373 4 -
7 348 4 - - 331 4 -
8 186 3 - - 171 3 -
9 476 5 - - 427 5 -
3117 35 2842 35
10 129 3 - - 122 3 -
11 341 4 - - 307 4 -
12 346 4 - - 338 4 -
13 137 3 - - 128 3 -
14 385 4 - - 370 4 -
15 174 3 - - 129 3 -
16 389 4 - - 341 4 -
17 418 4 - - 412 5 -
18 462 5 - - 424 5 -
2781 34 2571 35
5898 69 5413 70

Betchworth Park Golf Club nestles under the North Downs overlooked by the legendary Box Hill beauty spot and is one of the great 'finds' of golf in the south of England. Founded in 1911 and laid out by the distinguished golf course architect Harry S Colt, creator of some of the most popular golf courses in the United Kingdom, this well-set parkland test offers 18 holes of delightful but challenging golf to members and visitors alike. A further benefit to visitors is that Betchworth Park is within easy reach of even the furthest traveller - making it the perfect venue for corporate and society days. Visitors are welcome by prior arrangement.


Reigate Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1NZ

How to Get there


Tel: 01306882052
Fax: N/A

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££

BarTrolley HireCateringClub HireClubhouseChanging RoomsPractice FacilitiesShowersPro-ShopPutting Green


Reigate Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1NZ

How to Get there


Tel: 01306882052
Fax: N/A

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££