Hinckley Golf Club

Par/SSS: 71/70
Yards: 6252
Type: Parkland
Holes: 18
Weekday Round: ££
Day Ticket: £££
Weekend Round: N/A
Day Ticket: N/A

Hole White Yards Par Yellow Yards Stroke Index Ladies Yards Par Stroke Index
1 350 4 - - 331 4 -
2 383 4 - - 350 4 -
3 129 3 - - 100 3 -
4 535 5 - - 465 5 -
5 325 4 - - 285 4 -
6 406 4 - - 354 4 -
7 469 5 - - 436 5 -
8 160 3 - - 140 3 -
9 408 4 - - 375 4 -
3165 36 2836 36
10 317 4 - - 277 4 -
11 362 4 - - 270 4 -
12 137 3 - - 111 3 -
13 380 4 - - 352 4 -
14 448 4 - - 434 5 -
15 361 4 - - 320 4 -
16 354 4 - - 304 4 -
17 516 5 - - 427 5 -
18 212 3 - - 155 3 -
3087 35 2650 36
6252 71 5486 72

If you don't at first recognise the name Hinckley Golf Club, it may be because up until 1983 it had been called Burbage Green Golf Club. Since then, however, it has been known under its new title and has become even more popular and successful. Originally, the course was opened in 1894, making it one of the oldest in the entire region. It is laid out on part-lakeland parkland, so you will no doubt be able to guess that water hazards are a particular feature of the course design. Whilst they are very easy on the eye and add to the overall splendour of the course, the lakes are quite tricky to negotiate so be sure to take care with each swing.


Leicester Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire, LE10 3DR

How to Get there


Tel: 01455615124
Fax: 01455890841

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££

BarTrolley HireCateringClubhouseChanging RoomsPractice FacilitiesShowersPro-ShopPutting GreenBuggy Hire


Leicester Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire, LE10 3DR

How to Get there


Tel: 01455615124
Fax: 01455890841

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££