Danesbury Park Golf Club

Par/SSS: 64/0
Yards: 4414
Type: Parkland
Holes: 9
Weekday Round: £
Day Ticket: N/A
Weekend Round: £
Day Ticket: N/A

Hole White Yards Par Yellow Yards Stroke Index Ladies Yards Par Stroke Index
1 290 4 - - 227 4 -
2 115 3 - - 86 3 -
3 346 4 - - 283 4 -
4 167 3 - - 142 3 -
5 242 4 - - 221 4 -
6 183 3 - - 155 3 -
7 392 4 - - 347 4 -
8 294 4 - - 281 4 -
9 178 3 - - 129 3 -
2207 32 1871 32
10 290 4 - - 227 4 -
11 115 3 - - 86 3 -
12 346 4 - - 283 4 -
13 167 3 - - 142 3 -
14 242 4 - - 221 4 -
15 183 3 - - 155 3 -
16 392 4 - - 347 4 -
17 294 4 - - 281 4 -
18 178 3 - - 129 3 -
2207 32 1871 32
4414 64 3742 64

Against the backdrop of some beautiful Hertfordshire countryside, Danesbury Park is a demanding nine-hole course, measuring almost 4200 yards. Both low and high handicappers will find something here to challenge them, not least in the shape of the various hazards employed and positioned to good effect to add an extra level of difficulty to the course. Visitors will be attracted, not only by the course itself, but by the great value round it offers; during the week you will not pay more £12 to sample its delights, although it is advised that you book in advance as it can be very busy during peak times, and weekend play for non-members is restricted.


Codicote Road, Welwyn, , Hertfordshire, AL6 9SD

How to Get there

3/4 mile from A1(M) Junction 6 on B656 Hitchin road.


Tel: 01438840100
Fax: 01438840768

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££

BarTrolley HireClubhouseChanging RoomsPractice FacilitiesShowersPutting Green


Codicote Road, Welwyn, , Hertfordshire, AL6 9SD

How to Get there

3/4 mile from A1(M) Junction 6 on B656 Hitchin road.


Tel: 01438840100
Fax: 01438840768

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££