Burley Golf Club

Par/SSS: 71/0
Yards: 6149
Type: Heathland
Holes: 18
Weekday Round: £
Day Ticket: ££
Weekend Round: ££
Day Ticket: ££

Hole White Yards Par Yellow Yards Stroke Index Ladies Yards Par Stroke Index
1 335 4 - - 309 4 -
2 122 3 - - 111 3 -
3 495 5 - - 431 5 -
4 329 4 - - 283 4 -
5 429 4 - - 364 4 -
6 377 4 - - 333 4 -
7 348 4 - - 333 4 -
8 283 4 - - 265 4 -
9 417 4 - - 369 4 -
3135 36 2798 36
10 319 4 - - 270 4 -
11 113 3 - - 111 3 -
12 465 4 - - 395 4 -
13 340 4 - - 287 4 -
14 477 5 - - 392 4 -
15 371 4 - - 316 4 -
16 369 4 - - 315 4 -
17 157 3 - - 118 3 -
18 403 4 - - 376 4 -
3014 35 2580 34
6149 71 5378 70

Burley Golf Club is located just a few minutes drive from Ringwood town centre in a picturesque area of Hampshire countryside with plenty of hazards littered all over it to excite and challenge players of all levels of ability. Indeed, whether you are a high or a low handicapper, we dare say you'll find every shot in your bag challenged. It depends on how you play them that will determine whether or not you reap the rewards that are there to be taken. It is a course that is kept in fine condition throughout the year thanks to the efforts of the greenkeeping staff, and so can be enjoyed even in the middle of winter!


Burley, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 4BB

How to Get there

4 miles South East of Ringwood.


Tel: 01425403737
Fax: 01425404168

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££

BarTrolley HireCateringClubhouseChanging RoomsPractice FacilitiesShowersPro-ShopPutting Green


Burley, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 4BB

How to Get there

4 miles South East of Ringwood.


Tel: 01425403737
Fax: 01425404168

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££