Holsworthy Golf Club

Par/SSS: 70/0
Yards: 6100
Type: Parkland
Holes: 18
Weekday Round: N/A
Day Ticket: ££
Weekend Round: N/A
Day Ticket: ££

Hole White Yards Par Yellow Yards Stroke Index Ladies Yards Par Stroke Index
1 334 4 - - 314 4 -
2 401 4 - - 387 5 -
3 334 4 - - 326 4 -
4 213 3 - - 145 3 -
5 510 5 - - 387 4 -
6 445 4 - - 423 5 -
7 306 4 - - 292 4 -
8 152 3 - - 135 3 -
9 357 4 - - 335 4 -
3052 35 2744 36
10 350 4 - - 328 4 -
11 396 4 - - 323 4 -
12 390 4 - - 390 5 -
13 293 4 - - 275 4 -
14 166 3 - - 175 3 -
15 366 4 - - 300 4 -
16 158 3 - - 143 3 -
17 387 4 - - 328 4 -
18 542 5 - - 500 5 -
3048 35 2762 36
6100 70 5506 72

Just over 6000 yards in length from the first tee all the way around to the eighteenth pin positioned just in front of the clubhouse, the course at Holsworthy Golf Club really is as its second syllable suggests - "worthy". It is been cleverly designed to incorporate many of the existing natural features into the course, reinventing them as tricky hazards that you will need to take a considerable amount of care to avoid dropping shots around. The fairways roll quite severely as well so be sure your tee shots are deadly accurate. As a good post-round warm-down, we suggest a cold drink back in the clubhouse where you can enjoy a warm reception from the members.


Kilatree, Holsworthy, Devon, EX22 6XU

How to Get there

1 mile West of Holsworthy. 7 miles East of Bude (A3072).


Tel: 01409 253177
Fax: 01409 253177

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££

BarTrolley HireCateringClub HireClubhouseChanging RoomsDriving RangePractice FacilitiesShowersPro-ShopPutting GreenBuggy Hire


Kilatree, Holsworthy, Devon, EX22 6XU

How to Get there

1 mile West of Holsworthy. 7 miles East of Bude (A3072).


Tel: 01409 253177
Fax: 01409 253177

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££