Alston Moor Golf Club

Par/SSS: 68/0
Yards: 5518
Type: Parkland
Holes: 10
Weekday Round: N/A
Day Ticket: £
Weekend Round: N/A
Day Ticket: £

Hole White Yards Par Yellow Yards Stroke Index Ladies Yards Par Stroke Index
1 376 4 - - 320 4 -
95 3 158 3
2 340 4 - - 259 4 -
3 410 4 - - 410 5 -
4 150 3 - - 150 3 -
5 476 5 - - 416 5 -
6 129 3 - - 132 3 -
7 496 5 - - 401 5 -
8 189 3 - - 108 3 -
2661 34 2354 35
9 376 4 - - 400 5 -
10 195 3 - - 195 3 -
11 340 4 - - 299 4 -
12 410 4 - - 360 4 -
13 386 4 - - 387 5 -
14 129 3 - - 132 3 -
15 496 5 - - 401 5 -
16 150 3 - - 126 3 -
17 275 4 - - 275 4 -
2757 34 2575 36
5418 68 4929 71

Built in 1906, Alston Moor offers a marvellous parkland golf course with panoramic views of the surrounding Cumbria countryside. Golfers can be assured of some of the best views available also, as the course is the highest above sea-level in England, situated as it is in the heart of the Pennines. Although only ten-hole, it offers eighteen tees for those looking for a full round of golf, and has a significant number of hazards on each hole which provide a lot of danger for any stray shots. Measuring 5456 yards, it is fairly easy on the legs too, although bearing in mind its location, expect a few steeps and slopes.


The Hermitage, Middleton in Teesdale Rd, Alston, Cumbria, CA9 3BD

How to Get there

2 miles South of Alston on B6277.


Tel: 01434381675
Fax: 01434381675

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££

BarChanging Rooms


The Hermitage, Middleton in Teesdale Rd, Alston, Cumbria, CA9 3BD

How to Get there

2 miles South of Alston on B6277.


Tel: 01434381675
Fax: 01434381675

Green Fee Key
£1 - £15 = £ 
£16 - £30 = ££
£31 - £50 = £££
£50+ = ££££